Speech mechanisms of expressing insincerity in American academic sphere (as exemplified in J. William’s novel «Stoner»)

  • Leontieva T.I.

    Tamara I. Leontieva. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. The article analyses speech characteristics (verbal and non-verbal) of expressing insincerity in American academic sphere within the frames of interpersonal conflicts between professors. The paper examines the style of the American writer John Williams and studies the speech acts of the protagonist and his enemies. The text is also analyzed hermeneutically, which is necessary for a better understanding the
essence of insincerity. Parallelly, the article discloses personal qualities of the participants of the conflict and makes conclusion about the state of education in the USA.
Keywords: English literature course, dissertation, insincerity, interpersonal conflict, verbal and non-verbal means, incompetence